Are you new to Barbering?
Have you struggled to make money as a barber?
It has been long-understood that Clients won't value you more than you value yourself. Do you merely accept that the Barbering Profession is non-essential?
"You have a set of skills, you're dedicated to honing and improving them - just as any other professional does..." Realize this makes you absolutely ESSENTIAL to those you serve.
What are the Course Topics?
Philosophy of Barbering
Barbering is a part of a larger category of industries known as the Services industry. More specificlally? The Personal Services Industry. You have chosen a career in this part of the Working World. There are vastly important things to know now that you've decided to make your career a success! What does service mean? Who is serving Whom? How important is a Barbering Experience to your client?
What You're Actually Selling?
Are you selling haircuts? Face shaves? Customer service? You're selling TIME! At least this is the philosophy I'll teach you to realize. If you cannot be at your Barber Chair, can you still make money?
Managing Your Expectations
Expectations are a tricky thing. What's expected by one person may not be the same as what another looks for in their choices. Your choices can be directly impacted by how you decided to approach your Income, Hours, "Me Time," Physical & Spiritual Health, Family, Friends, Social Life and Business. Do your know what your focus is?
Value Yourself
What is the most important commodity you must have to make a living working in the Barbering Industry? Who or What is the Prize? How must you approach your work to keep a healthy perspective when faced with the question of Essential vs. Non-Essential?
Quality vs. Quantity
Those who work in the Barbering Industry can make a very good income. Provide a good life for themselves and their families. There are two major ways to do this. By focusing on either Quality or Quantity.
How To Organize Your Business
Should you work as a Person or Organize as a Legal Entity? I've done this multiple ways and I'm prepared to share the secret tips I have for maximizing your strategies when making this choice for yourself.
Accounting And Bookkeeping
You cannot make any greater mistake when beginning a career in Barbering than failing to plan ahead for how you manage your income, money and where it goes. A strong commitment to your Accounting and Bookkeeping policies and procedures are important.
Hire an attorney or wing it? I have worked in a solo career and employed a couple dozen Barbering Professionals throughout my career. Winging it hasn't proven to be the best approach.
Customer Service
An entire book could be written on the topic of Customer Service. In fact, I believe it's safe to say that thousands of titles have been published in dedication to this aspect of being in business. But what is customer service? Is the customer ALWAYS RIGHT?
Other Services
So you've completed Barber School - perhaps you've even been working in the Industry for years? You learned and developed all the skills you need to be successful right? In this segment of our training you'll discover a philosophy it took me years to EARN. You get it without doing years of the hard work to get there.
Continuing Education
Once your Barber School education has come to an end that's not the end, my friend. A commitment to ongoing education and learning has become vital to my business and it should be for yours too!
Where Do You Want To Work?
What kind of shop are you looking for when it comes to where you'll work? What details should you consider? Once you've decided, what type of arrangement will you choose for being paid? Commission? Will you rent your own space in another shop owner's business? Are there other options?
"When I started out in the Barbering Industry I had no practical approach to being self-employed in the hair industry.
The school where I trained to become a Barber promised to support me along the way as I developed my career in the Professional world of Barbering.
The problem was, they were running a Barber School! Training the Craft and Skills of the Barbering Industry. It wasn't their job to teach me how to run my career.
I had no one to teach this part of the business to me. So I spent years making mistake after mistake.
The Good News is you won't have to repeat my mistakes! I've created Beyond Barbering to ensure that you can learn from my years of experience!"
Mitchell T. Palmer
Founder of Beyond Barbering Academy