Have you noticed that some people just can’t help but self-destruct their relationships? Even when they have a great person who treats them well, they start committing relationship sins that are sure to lead them to a cold and lonely destination. One major relationship crime is smothering.
Listed below are some of the most commonly violated forms of smothering. If any of this sounds familiar, you need to make a change starting today.
1. Do you insist that you two spend every weekend together? For your partner to fully appreciate you...they need time to miss you. Remember, too much of a good thing is still too much.
2. Do you give them alone time? Everyone needs time for themselves.
3. Do you insist that they bring you to every party or event they go to? Everyone needs time away from the person that they're dating. Especially, to go out and have fun with their friends.
4. Do you always come over uninvited or when you're asked not to? Realize that your partner might not appreciate your habit of "just showing up". In your mind, you're being thoughtful and sweet, but that's probably not how they see it.
5. Do you call them several times a night? Give your partner some space and time to do their own thing.